Monday, June 20, 2016

espaciopropio.augenblick at Espacio en Blanco Madrid

Hello dear people,

I am happy of sharing that on 23rd & 24th July, Fer will be guiding a new encounter/workshop/practice of espaciopropio.augenblick, travelling towards the bones, in Espacio en Blanco Madrid, two days three hours a day, a beautiful opportunity for continuing sharing and discovering a deep field unfolding in the body and in between bodies in movement.
After on 24th afternoon he will continue his way towards el Cielo de la Vera for the meeting with Rhizome Lee where he will be guiding the one hour morning practice: Bone Morning / Huesos Felices, for then dive the restof the day in a transforming travel.
In the flyer attached bellow you can find all the information about the encounter and the contact for register.
I hope that you may see each other around and please move forward this information to whom it may be of interest. Thanks so much and sorry if there has been double mailing!
a deep hug,


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