Tuesday, January 30, 2018

how we continue @ART SPACE stift millstatt 018 . Austria

ART SPACE stift millstatt
continues its journey on the path of contemporary art

NETZWERK AKS I Platform for Contemporary Dance + Art
re:opens the new season
dance rehearsals of 'dressing in disguise'
[Unita Gay Galiluyo . Andrea K. Schlehwein + NETZWERK AKS]
trainings and workshops
[Andrea Maria Handler, Simona Piroddi, Andrea K. Schlehwein]

büro für tanz I theater I produktionen
is launching the 10th edition of LIGHT ON – LIGHT OFF
[Friday at Eigth by Jurij Konjar & Andreja Rauch]
 2. März 2018   I   20:00

FORUM KUNST contemporary
will present the upcoming exhibition
exhib for affordable art in March
9. März 2018   I   19:00

Artist in Residence
Brigitte Büsken explores ‚silent spaces’

Leonie Humitsch
will continue giving dance classes for young and old

Stay tuned .
Follow us.

ART SPACE stift millstatt team
Connie Ortner . Eleonore Schäfer .  Andrea K. Schlehwein.  


Künstlerische Leitung 
Andrea K. Schlehwein
office + 43 4766 35250

Künstlerische Leitung
Eleonore Schäfer  I  FORUM KUNST contemporary 
mobil + 43 676 418 5528

Assistenz für Produktion, Koordination und PR
Connie Ortner
mobil + 43 664 73 66 07 26

Leonie Humitsch, eva & eva
mobil + 43 676 521 87 57

Trainings . Workshops + Kurse 
Februar + März 2018

O.P.E.N. morning class
Research  I  Körperarbeit  I  offen für alle

08  I  09  I  10  Februar 2018
22  I  23  I  24  März 2018

jeweils 10 – 12 Uhr

@ART SPACE stift millstatt
Andrea K. Schlehwein


NETZWERK AKS  I  workshops   I  offen für alle

22. I 23. Februar 2018  I  19 - 20:30 Uhr @ART SPACE stift millstatt
Vinyasa Yoga  I  Simona Piroddi

24. Februar 2018  I  10 - 13:00 Uhr @ART SPACE stift millstatt
phantom body  I   tanz   I   Andrea Maria Handler

Tanzkurse: Leonie Humitsch 

15. + 16. März
Zeitgenössischer Tanz & Bewegung | Kinder
16:30 – 17:30

Zeitgenössischer Tanz & Bewegung | Erwachsene
18:30 – 20:00
12. + 13. April
Zeitgenössischer Tanz & Bewegung | Kinder
16:30 – 17:30

Zeitgenössischer Tanz & Bewegung | Erwachsene
18:30 – 20:00
24. + 25. Mai
Zeitgenössischer Tanz & Bewegung | Kinder
16:30 – 17:30

Zeitgenössischer Tanz & Bewegung | Erwachsene
18:30 – 20:00
´28. + 29. Juni
Zeitgenössischer Tanz & Bewegung | Kinder
16:30 – 17:30

Zeitgenössischer Tanz & Bewegung | Erwachsene
18:30 – 20:00

Monday, January 1, 2018

Young Korean Choreographers @ ART SPACE stift millstatt

international performance series of contemporary dance + art
September 2014

It is not only insiders who regard South Korea as a trendsetter in contemporary dance and culture these days. Contemporary dance in South Korea is diverse and, thanks to the excellent educational institutions, also at the highest international level in terms of craftsmanship – daring, experimental and cosmopolitan.

In 2014, as part of the internationally oriented dance performance series LIGHT ON - LIGHT OFF, the cooperation between büro für tanz I theatre I produktionen and [FKc] FORUM KUNST contemporary had the chance to bring an internationally award-winning programme of Young Korean Choreographers to ART SPACE stift millstatt in the Austrian countryside.

The program was curated and organised by Andrea K. Schlehwein in collaboration with the Seoul International Dance Festival and funded by the Cultural Department of the Province of Carinthia.

"Renewal and innovation can emerge when apparent opposites and incongruity meet each other in open discussion."

There is nothing to be said against an event organizer, curator or producer presenting contemporary art of international status in the countryside.

And there is everything to be said in favour of an artist in the countryside to debate current themes in contemporary art, to carry the result of these explorations out into the world, and to realise that as a collective of artists, we can experience inspiring conversations everywhere – whether it is with an audience in Indonesia, Argentina, Germany, Korea, or Carinthia … "