Sunday, December 24, 2017

Why? Why do we do this? I am not the one who you think I am .

all the commitment, all the doubts and pains, all the effort, all the disappointments ...


... why? Why do we do this? ...


... dance ... continue ... train and practice .. research and question .. travel ... auditions ... productions ... helo and good byes ... goals achieved and not achieved ... continue ...  ... grow ...  
... grow ...

... practice and train ...
... continue ...
... practice and train ...

... grow ...
... growing old in dance ...
... ?

... who am I ?

I am not the one who you think I am
28. + 29. December 2017  |  20:00  @ART SPACE stift millstatt  |  Austria
by Andrea K. Schlehwein + NETZWERK AKS  |  Platform for Contemporary Dance + Art
featuring NETZWERK AKS: Unita Gay Galiluyo, Maria Mavridou, Simona Pirodd

will be presented in a DOUBLE BILL together with the new NETZWERK AKS Production

Dark Fog Rebel
28. + 29. December 2017  |  20:00  @ART SPACE stift millstatt  |  Austria 
by Maria Mavridou | Roman Zotter + NETZWERK AKS  |  Platform for Contemporary Dance + Art
featuring: Yurie Umamoto

all photos: Jo Hermann

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Dark Fog Rebel | an extra note on collaboration within Netzwerk AKS

This is a note about the way I see my collaboration with artistic director Andrea K. Schlehwein in relation to the production Dark Fog Rebel and some insights about Netzwerk AKS philosophy.

To start with, I could very easily say that - besides all agreements carefully written on contracts, non-stop exchange in person during the summer and on-line, during the time of Andrea’s work and stay in Korea - the most important thing for me is that through the numerous Netzwerk AKS productions I had the pleasure to participate as a dancer, Andrea and me have developed some artistic communication and trust, which I consider on-going and not limited only to this particular project. I see "Dark Fog Rebel" as part of a bigger world Andrea has created over the years. This bigger world is what continually nurtures and supports all creative attempts of Netzwerk AKS members.

The new role and responsibility to stage the new NETZWERK AKS production that was handed to me by AKS, is an honor and I am grateful for the trust and opportunity to further develop interests that kept growing inside previous productions of Netzwerk AKS. The ideas of this new project, are ideas that developed through exchange, not only this summer, but over years of collaboration, which I see as a slow cooking process that has been transformative.

The beauty of working at Netzwerk AKS in the past years, is also the chance to develop oneself and interests by taking on different roles and responsibilities. In this way the members gather new skills to support the collective work in the long term future.

I feel, the care for each individual member and the thought about sustainability of Netzwerk AKS as a whole organization is part of the Andrea's broad vision which becomes more and more visible, also by the choice to spread responsibilities differently among the members. Such are the visions which keep teams alive and the work inspiring.

Andrea, as an artistic director, is somebody who tries to carry these visions through the many risks they entail – it is not a piece of cake to hand over responsibility of something you carefully nurtured over time-. Yet this is the kind of artistic choice that shows a good artistic director. The ability to offer the space.
This is also the choice that, at the end of the day, can tell whether an artistic vision is strong and communicates to others, no matter if the director is physically present or not.

What I hope to be able to carry through the staging of this new production, is also the sense I get from Andrea’s direction over the years > to sustain a good fertile ground, to trust and to find freedom within the many layers and complexities of a very demanding work.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

after is before . showcase at K'ARTs . Korea


In the past weeks I had the pleasure to tutor 7 exciting Graduation Choreographies created by BA and MA students of Korea National University of Arts  |  Dance Department here in Seoul where I still teach as Invited Honorary Guest Professor for Dance Creation.


Kim Ji Hyung . Yang Seun Jin .  Gwak Yeseul . Yeo Minha . Son Eun Gyo . Lee Kyung Gu . Nomgonmaa Jargalsaikhan:   I am happy for the shared time and our exchange!! Kamsamidah.


After is before.
I am gladly announcing the upcoming 

9. December 2017  I  5 p.m. 
at the famous #105  .  K'ARTs 
Seocho Campus.

I will present two of my dance works:
'3 0 2 2  steps' [with my highly talented master class]
'YES NO OK ?' [with this year's dynamic 3rd grade]

Join us if you are around!!


Thursday, November 23, 2017

O.P.E.N. morning class @ART SPACE stift millstatt . Austria

O.P.E.N. morning class mit Maria Mavridou
27. 11. - 1. 12. 2017 | 10:00 - 11:30 Uhr

offen für alle | open to all

Diese 5 Workshop-Einheiten richten sich an alle, die neugierig sind, was der eigene Körper durch Bewegung, Beobachtung, Spiel und Mitgestalten leisten kann.
Jede Einheit kombiniert Übungen für Mobilisierung, Koordination, Kraft, Stretching, Gruppenspiele, kontaktbasiertes Erkunden mit dem Partner und Ideen für Improvisation - als Solo, Duett, Trio oder Gruppe. Jeder Tag ist ein neuer Tanz!
Wer möchte kann auch gerne seine Lieblingsmusik mitbringen!
These 5 open morning sessions are an invitation to anyone who wants to explore what the body can do by moving, observing, playing and co-creating.
Each session combines exercises of mobilisation, coordination, strengthening, stretching, group games, touch-based exploration with partner and ideas for improvisation - solo, duet, trio, group. Each day is a new dance. Come and enjoy!
If you have music you love, bring it on. We might use it!

Kosten I Price
15 Euro - per day
60 Euro - Take all Five
45 Euro - Early Bird

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Part of the NETZWERK AKS flies towards the summer in the south hemisphere.

Since next Sunday November 26th 2017 till beginning of March 2018, Fernando and Carlos are going to be across Argentina; teaching and guiding espaciopropio.augenblick, performing " WITHOUT ADDED VALUE" and creating a new piece with independent artists and dancers under the Residencies programme of RESIDENCIAS FACE/GALPÓN in Buenos Aires.

Please welcome to visit their website where you can find all the information about:

Thank you and until soon.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Europäische Theaternacht im ART SPACE stift millstatt

18. November 2017 | 20 Uhr

In über 400 Locations quer durch Europa findet am 18. November die Europäische Theaternacht statt. Dieses Jahr ist auch der ART SPACE stift millstatt mit dabei!

Ziel und Philosophie der Europäischen Theaternacht ist es, das Theater als „Ort des gemeinschaftlichen Erlebens“ für alle Gesellschaftsgruppen zu öffnen und mehr Bewusstsein über den Stellenwert der (Theater-)Kultur zu schaffen, welche wesentlich zu einem friedlichen Zusammenleben in einer sich immer komplexer gestaltenden Gesellschaft beiträgt.

Kultur für ein friedlicheres Miteinander in einer komplexen Welt

Unsere NETZWERK AKS Philosophie ist es, dass Kunst von heute immer auch das Heute zum Thema hat.

Zeitgenössische Kunst findet nicht im schalllosen Raum statt, sie dockt an das Geschehen in der Welt an. Deren Komplexität gibt Anlass, zu hinterfragen, zu spiegeln, zu reflektieren, aufzurütteln. Kunst von heute ist nie gänzlich losgelöst von dem Ort, an dem sie lebt, entsteht und stattfindet; sie trägt immer eine gesellschaftliche Komponente in sich. Tanz, Theater, Kunst werden die Welt nicht im Alleingang verändern, sie können jedoch Denkanstösse setzen, eine offenere und friedlichere Form des Zusammenlebens sichtbar machen.

Je mehr Initiativen im selben Moment auf einen gemeinsamen Gedanken hinweisen, umso stärker die öffentliche Wahrnehmung, möglicherweise auch: die Wirkung.

NETZWERK AKS steht seit jeher für Diversität und gegenseitigen Respekt – wir freuen uns daher besonders, in diesem Jahr Teil der Europäischen Theaternacht zu sein.


Im Rahmen der Europäischen Theaternacht zeigen wir den Film TIME CODE 9733 von Roman Zotter, eine künstlerisch bearbeitete Filmdokumentation der gleichnamigen Inszenierung von Andrea K. Schlehwein + NETZWERK AKS aus dem Jahr 2015.

Spannendes Gesamtbild

Diese vielschichtige tanz | film | installation, die sich in zwei unterschiedlich gestalteten Bühnenräumen abspielt und die neben dem tänzerischen Geschehen auch verschiedene Bildebenen (Live-Aufnahmen, vorgefertigte Film- und Textfragmente) verarbeitet, setzt Roman Zotter in einen 4fachen Split-Screen um, der das komplexe Nebeneinander der Aufführung zu einem spannenden Gesamtbild vereint.

So haben Sie als Publikum die Möglichkeit, die Inszenierung aus einem ganz neuen Blickwinkel (noch einmal) zu sehen oder dieses von Publikum und Kritik gleichermaßen hochgelobte Stück, das Sie vielleicht im Jahr 2015 verpasst haben, neu kennenzulernen.

After Talk mit KünstlerInnen

Im Anschluss laden wir Sie zu einem After Talk ein, in dem Sie sich mit Künstlern der Inszenierung (Brigitte Büsken, Maria Mavridou, Roman Zotter) über Ihre Gedanken zum Stück und zum Film austauschen können.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Kommen!

Wie für das gesamte Angebot der Europäischen Theaternacht gilt auch hier das Prinzip "pay as you can/wish" - man bezahlt also nur so viel, wie man ausgeben kann und möchte.

Um Anmeldung wird gebeten.

Location | Anmeldung
ART SPACE stift millstatt . Stiftgasse 1 . 9872 Millstatt . Österreich
Connie Ortner . Assistenz für Produktion, Koordination und PR

MOBIL +43 664 73 66 07 26

Clip zum Film:

European Theater Night at ART SPACE stift millstatt

18th November 2017 | 8 p.m.

On 18th of November, over 400 locations throughout Europe will be part of the European Theatre Night
This year, ART SPACE stift millstatt will be one of them!

The aim and philosophy of the European Theater Night is to open theater as a "place of common experience" to all groups of society and to raise awareness for the importance of theater (and culture) as an essential contribution towards a more peaceful coexistence in an increasingly complex society.

Culture for a more peaceful coexistence in a complex world

At NETZWERK AKS our philosophy is that art of today always deals with issues of today.

Contemporary art does not take place in a hermetic space, it always connects to the events of the world. The complexity of these events is reason enough to question, mirror, reflect, give impulses. Art of today is never wholly detached from the place where it is born, lives and takes place – it always bears a social component. Dance, theater and art will not change the world singlehandedly, they can, however, trigger thought and give examples of more open and peaceful ways of coexistence.

When several initiatives point to a common idea at the same time, public perception will be stronger, possibly also the effect.

NETZWERK AKS has always stood for diversity and mutual respect – that's why we are particularly happy to be part of the European Theater Night this year.


In the frame of this initiative, we will present the film TIME CODE 9733 by Roman Zotter, an artistically interpreted film registration of the eponymous production by Andrea K. Schlehwein + NETZWERK AKS from 2015.

Intriguing juxtapositions

Roman Zotter has edited this multi-layered dance | film | installation, which takes place in two differently designed spaces and employs, next to dance and movement, various image levels (live recordings, pre-made film and text fragments), into a 4-fold split screen, uniting the complex juxtaposition of events and images into an intriguing whole.

As an audience, you will have the opportunity to (re)view the production from a new perspective or simply get to know this highly praised performance which you might have missed in 2015.

After Talk

Following the film, we invite you to an After Talk where you can share your thoughts about the piece and the film with artists of the production (Brigitte Büsken, Maria Mavridou, Roman Zotter).

We are looking forward to welcoming you at ART SPACE stift millstatt!

As with all presentations during the European Theater Night we apply the principle "pay as you can/wish".

Location | Reservation
ART SPACE stift millstatt . Stiftgasse 1 . 9872 Millstatt . Austria
Connie Ortner . Assistance for production, coordination and PR

MOBILE +43 664 73 66 07 26

Film clip:

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

think tank ACTIVITY: Amsterdam . Berlin . Millstatt . Seoul .

ART SPACE stift millstatt 
is a unique place for contemporary art, hidden in the Carinthian mountains 

Existing since 10 years ART SPACE stift millstatt is constantly growing. 
We are standing on two legs with national roots and sponsors and international profile, teams and support.

Besides the art of dance, represented by NETZWERK AKS | Platform for Contemporary Dance + Art, ART SPACE stift millstatt hosts the Gallery FORUM KUNST contemporary, an NGO, other dance collectives, the international oriented festival format LIGHT ON - LIGHT OFF, it offers artist in residencies and presents the series for young contemporary art, in : formal. 

All dance art related activities are managed by the international management: 
büro für tanz | theater | produktionen.

This office functions as the backbone of it all. It serves as the international management, the production office, that brings in BUGET for ART and it is a think tank which makes art concepts possible.

At the moment impulses, exchange and ideas are shifting between
Amsterdam, Berlin, Millstatt and Seoul - creating a buzzling creative beat of its own.


18. November 2017  |  8 p.m.

art film + after talk
NETZWERK AKS  |  Platform for Contemporary Dance + Art

Europäische Theaternacht 2017

@ART SPACE stift millstatt . Austria

Monday, September 18, 2017

NETZWERK AKS: how we continue

dance . calender .                            [ 1o – 12 ] 2017 
@ART SPACE stift millstatt
management . think tank . production office            büro für tanz I theater I produktionen
international artist collective        NETZWERK AKS I Platform for Contemporary Dance + Art
artistic director                                                       Andrea K. Schlehwein

moving images        I    ongoing research project in Seoul  I  Korea      

urban bodies      
Andrea K. Schlehwein + AKS I Seoul Section

Europäische Theaternacht        I    @ART SPACE stift millstatt      

LECTURE on TIME CODE 9733   I   18. November 2017   I   20:00        
Intro . Film . Talk

TIME CODE 9733 was directed by Andrea K. Schlehwein 2015
Film by Roman Zotter

new NETZWERK AKS production        I    @ART SPACE stift millstatt

dark fog rebel   I   22. December 2017   I   20:00         
Maria Mavridou  I  Roman Zotter  I  Andrea K. Schlehwein
+ NETZWERK AKS I Platform for Contemporary Dance + Art

PREMIERE @ ART SPACE stift millstatt

double bill        I    @ART SPACE stift millstatt

28. + 29. December 2017  I  20:00
dark fog rebel    +    I am not the one who you think I am
NETZWERK AKS I Platform for Contemporary Dance + Art

INFO . Contact . Location
ART SPACE stift millstatt
Stiftgasse 1 . 9872 Millstatt . Kärnten . Austria

Andrea K. Schlehwein

Connie Ortner  I  Assistenz Produktion . Koordination + PR
+43 664 73 660 726   I   I

Sunday, September 10, 2017

another round of 'I am not the one who you think I am' . Austria

I am not the one who you think I am’ combines the contemporary with the neoclassical dance language – the personal perspective with generell questions to life itself ..

Technical challenges of this chorepgraphy are quite high but the three principal dancers of NETZWERK AKS (Unita Gay Galiluyo, Maria Mavridou, Simona Piroddi) seem to enjoy them. 

Not satisfied with the spacial situation I continued working on this concept and was happy enough to collaborate with Maayan Reiter on a 3 Channel Video Installation allowing us to change the atmosphere of the performance space, deepening content and the asthetic profile and bringing in another dimension to the work itself.

Like in the premiere round we again had a full house (!!) (twice), facing a great audience, receiving a lot of positive resonance for this production. 

In case you are interested in reading some reviews, we have to disappoint you (again): there are none. The situation for us netzwerk people in Carinthia stays boringly the same BUT come and see: We will be back in December with two more performances (this time it will be a double bill with the upcoming NETZWERK AKS production ‚letters from the edge’   [by Maria Mavridou I Roman Zotter I Andrea K. Schlehwein + NETZWERK AKS]).

Stay tuned and see us in December alive and ready to go for another round!!


I am not the one who you think I am

29. + 30. December 2017

@ART SPACE stift millstatt

Thursday, August 17, 2017

REVIVAL @ ART SPACE stift millstatt . Austria

Andrea K. Schlehwein + NETZWERK AKS

Unita Gay Galiluyo
Maria Mavridou
Simona Piroddi

Film Installation
Maayan Reiter + AKS

TEC . Texts . Translations . Fotos
Roman Zotter

21. + 22. August  I  9 p.m
ART SPACE stift millstatt

Contact + Tickets
Fon. + 43 4766 35250

Thursday, July 13, 2017

southeast of my desires @DICFe . South Korea

southeast of my desires
14 . 7  I  7:30 p.m.   2017 @ Suseong Artpia Daegu, Korea

created by Netzwerk Aks, Andrea K. Schlehwein, Aureliusz Rys, Gwon Seon Hwa, Jeong Hyo Jun, Park Su Young, Eum Se Yeong, Jun Ha Yeon, Yeon Ye Rin, Choi Dong Hyeon, Hyeon Sang a, Lee Hye Rim, Do Ji Won, Seo Jeong Bin.

Thanks to Daegu Catholic University, Daegu International Choreography Festival & JeongHa, Karl the DICFe Team and Hae Kyung Lee.

Monday, July 10, 2017

NETZWERK AKS Contemporary Dance Workshops in Daegu

At the moment the NETZWERK AKS members Aureliusz Rys and Andrea K. Schlehwein are giving Contemporary Dance workshops at the Daegu Catholic University's dance department and for Daegu International Choreography Festival.